Sunday, September 18, 2016


I wish across the street there was an enchanted part of the park. And there was a wishing well in the enhchanted part of the park. And I made one wish. That everytime I looked beside me the wishing well was there. And I wished we went back to the park and I wished for infinity wishes that would never end and one my wishes would be, "don't wish...don't wish..."

And then I went back to the park and I wished to have an enchanted part of my house that no one knew. Then I looked for a small mouse hole and I found it and I looked up to my wishing well and I said, "Make me small. There's so much treasure and jewels and money."

Then I lived happily ever after and I was the richest one in the family. And I always wore my "fame is in the future" shirt in a different style because I wished I had a different "fame is in the future" shirt which didn't say "fame is in the future." It says, "I'm famous and it will never end." Instead of a pair of sunglasses on the shirt, it has money.


I wish across the street there was an enchanted part of the park. And there was a wishing well in the enchanted part of the park. And I made one wish. I wished for infinity wishes that would never end and one my wishes would be, "don't wish...don't wish..."

Lucia's Wish Poem

I wish I was riding on a unicorn's back.
The unicorn was pregnant.
the baby unicorn came out.
The baby kid came out.
The mother was riding on the mother unicorn's back.
The baby was riding on the baby unicorn's back.

A fairy came along and said,
"Wow, 've never een a real unicorn before."
The human yelled out, "I have!"
The fairy said, "I'm pregnant.
I have to go home and sleep a lot."

lucia joke (4 yrs old)

Why are gymnastics sticky?

i don't know, why?

Because gymnaSTICKS, get it?